Early Detection Saves Lives
Rochelle Community Hospital offers the latest in 3D digital mammography technology as a screening option. In addition, RCH makes it convenient for patients to get these screenings with multiple scheduling options, including Walk-In Thursdays where no appointment is necessary.

Come to the Radiology Department from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Thursdays for your screening mammogram
no appointment necessary!
And no doctor’s order is needed for a screening mammogram. Se habla espanol.

Because mammograms can detect breast lumps up to two years before they can be felt, they are considered the best way to catch breast cancer in its early, most treatable stage. The American Cancer Society recommends that women have a baseline mammogram between the ages of 35-40 and then begin annual mammograms at age 40.

In conventional 2D mammography, or traditional mammography, overlapping tissue is often the reason why small breast cancers may be missed and normal tissue may appear abnormal… but the 3D mammography method of imaging can greatly reduce the tissue’s overlap effect. To learn more, visit 3D mammography.

During a screening exam, your breast will be compressed between two firm surfaces to spread out the breast tissue. An X-ray is then taken to capture images of your breast and displayed on a screen.
Diagnostic mammograms are always performed when a radiologist is present. This allows the radiologist to review your digital images while you are here. If additional views or imaging are required during your screening mammogram, they will be performed immediately, and you will know what the radiologist’s recommendation is before leaving the hospital. The entire procedure – including waiting while the technician checks the quality of the images – usually takes less than 30 minutes. If a screening shows something that needs further images, a diagnostic mammogram will be done.

- Schedule the test for a time that your breasts are least likely to be tender – usually the week after your period if you are pre-menopausal.
- Avoid using lotions, creams, powders, and deodorants prior to your exam.
- Take an over-the-counter pain medication such as Tylenol an hour before to help ease the discomfort of the test.

You do not need a physician referral for a screening mammogram. A screening mammogram can only be done once a year and must be within the same calendar month. If you are having symptoms, you will need a physician’s order for a diagnostic mammogram.
It is very important for the radiologist to have your prior mammograms to compare. If you have had mammograms at another facility, please call and have your files sent to Rochelle Community Hospital prior to your appointment.

You may be eligible for FREE breast and cervical cancer screenings. If you’re a woman, you may be eligible for these screenings and treatment if you are:
- Living in Illinois
- 35-64 years old (younger women may be eligible in some cases)
- Without insurance or have insurance that doesn’t cover your breast exams, pap smears or mammograms (ages 40-64)
To find out if you are eligible, contact: The Well Woman Program of Northwest Illinois at 866-590-8499.