For the past four years, Rochelle Community Hospital, Rochelle Fire Department and Rochelle Police Department have joining forces to provide safety information to area children. Rochelle Community Hospital introduced this safe initiative 20 years ago this year. Local businesses have supported efforts in providing a personal safety book to every third grader in the area.
RCH, RFD and RPD, in partnership with Community Safety Net™, have presented the “Personal Safety – Smart choices for LIFE” family resource booklet to educate and protect our youth.
This initiative provides young people in our service area with effective tools to stay safe and injury-free. The personal safety book offers parents practical ideas on protecting their children as well as an app. The book’s content includes seven different sections for children including safety at home, school, play, away from home, vital safety topics and emergencies and first aid. Another section contains information for parents including: drugs, sexual abuse, bullying, vehicles safety and other topics, street proofing your kids and safety tips for parents. The book concludes with fun learning quizzes, a diploma and a chance for kids to win their very own tablet from Community Safety Net™.
The hospital, fire department and police department would like to thank all of the following businesses who supported this effort for the 2021-22 school year:
Class Partners
Central Bank Illinois
Rochelle Waste Disposal
½ Class Partners
Anderson Plumbing & Heating
CHS Elburn
Prescott Brothers Ford
1/3 Class Partners
Berg-Johnson Electric Contractors, Inc
Edward Jones-Will McLachlan
Family Healthcare Clinic
Midwest Dental Rochelle
Rochelle Community Hospital
Rochelle Gardens Care Center
Rochelle Rehabilitation & Health Care Center
Supporting Partners
Central Illinois Loans
Edward Jones Office of Anthony Rowley
Gardner Products Inc.
Local businesses will be contacted this fall by Community Safety Net with sponsorship opportunities. If you have any questions about this safety initiative for the 2022-23 school year, please feel free to contact:
Janet Stewart, Marketing Coordinator at Rochelle Community Hospital, 815-561-3113; Lieutenant Zach Prewett at Rochelle Fire Department at 815-562-2122 or Luisa Nambo, Communications Supervisor at Rochelle Police Department at 815-562-2131.
For more safety information and links to family-friendly safety-oriented websites, please visit www.communitysafetynet.com. You can also download our community’s very own safety app.