Thank you for visiting
Whether you are a patient or a visitor, the entire staff at Rochelle Community Hospital welcomes you. If you are required to have a hospital stay, we will do all we can to ensure a quick recovery so that you can return to your normal routine as soon as possible. The section on patients may provide you with additional information you need to know during your stay. If you are a visitor, you will also find some helpful information regarding hospital policies for visiting patients. We hope you enjoy your visit!
Visitors are important to the healing process and can be good medicine for patients. Rochelle Community Hospital does have visitor restrictions in place to ensure the safety of all patients and staff.

Persons visiting patients in the hospital are requested to observe the hours identified for visiting in the different areas of the hospital.
- Smoking is not allowed anywhere in the hospital or on the hospital campus.
- Visitors must dress appropriately and must wear shirts and shoes.
- Visitors should talk in a quiet, calm voice and maintain a quiet environment for all patients.
- People with colds, sore throats or any contagious diseases should not visit patients.
- Visits should be kept short.
- Visitors must conduct themselves in a quiet and orderly manner.
- Visitors may be asked to leave the room during tests or treatments or when the doctor or nurse needs to see the patient.
- Visitors should check with the nurse before bringing gifts of food or drink to patients.

Since patient care and safety are our primary concerns, our visiting hours are designed to assure that you receive appropriate rest and that there is an appropriate time for the delivery of your medical care.
Our standard visiting hours may be extended or limited based on the patient’s condition.
Medical – Surgical Unit
The recommended visiting hours are 8:00 a.m. – 8:30 p.m. If you have a visitor who cannot visit during these hours, contact the nursing supervisor who will discuss other arrangements with you.
Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
In order for the patient to get enough rest and receive the amount of care required for recovery, we have limited the amount of time a visitor may remain with his or her loved one in order to provide the rest and nursing care that he/she needs during the acute period of his/her illness.
Visiting Hours: 11:00 a.m. – 8:30 p.m.
How Often: Once an hour
How Long: 5 minutes
Number of Visitors: 2 people
ICU Visitor Policy
- Immediate family. Friends may be allowed to visit under special circumstances.
- Visiting shall be limited to 5 minutes out of every hour unless condition warrants more or less time (based on input of patient, patient’s family, physician and the ICU nurse).
- No more than two visitors may be at the bedside at one time.
- During emergencies the ICU nurse may terminate all visiting within the unit.
- Children over the age of 12 years may be permitted to visit patients in the ICU.
- If the patient is a small child a parent may be permitted to remain at the bedside during the child’s stay.
- Clergy of all faiths are permitted to visit at any time. This will not affect the length of time that the family members may spend with the patient.

These symptoms include:
– Fever
-Sore Throat
-Difficulty Breathing